A type of cancer that black men over 40 should be aware of


For many people, the prostate refers to the two parts of a man's testicles or the scrotum.

Dr. Fitsum Solomon, a specialist in kidney, prostate, urinary bladder and pipe surgery, says that the prostate is an organ below the urinary bladder.

According to Dr. Prostate is a gland located between male penis and bladder.

The prostate has the advantage of producing semen. Dr. Fitsum explains that the prostate produces about seventy percent of a man's semen.

They add that it is from this fluid that the spermatic cord of the male swims and obtains its nourishment.

So, a man with a prostate problem will leave his seminal fluid and return to the bladder.

So says Dr. Fitsum Prostate, it helps the seminal fluid not back up into the bladder and out.

The prostate gland is found only in men.

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