Ways to deal with anger


Anger is a natural, normal emotion. It's the anger that drives us to take action, and it's the anger that can sometimes make us feel like we're being attacked by the world.

But at its worst, anger can become a destructive force in your life. It can damage relationships and even lead to violence.

Anger isn't really bad—it's just a tool we use to get through our day-to-day lives. We use anger to motivate ourselves to get things done or to push back against things we don't like. But sometimes we use this tool incorrectly and end up hurting ourselves and those around us instead of helping them.

So how do you deal with your anger? Here are some tips:

1) Don't make yourself angry! If there's something you really want to get done but feel like you won't be able to do it if you're angry, talk about it with someone who will help you manage your feelings without making you feel worse about what's going on around you (like an adult).

2) Make sure everyone knows their role in keeping everyone safe—don't let anyone hurt themselves because they think they can get away with it because they're angry at someone else! This

1. Try to understand what is causing your anger.

2. Take a break from the situation, and do something you enjoy that makes you feel good.

3. Give yourself a time limit to work through your anger before it gets out of control.

4. Talk to someone who knows how to deal with anger, such as a family member or friend, or look up information online on how others deal with their emotions in similar situations.

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